Your heart is searching for answers.
You’ve thought about this before – bringing another life into your world. The hope of new beginnings has been calling to you.
You think you might be ready, but you’re not sure.
But one thing is certain: you’re brave for finding this Website and asking yourself the tough questions.
Or, maybe things didn’t go as planned, and you want more options.
You’ve followed all your doctor’s instructions. Changed your diet. Nothing works.
And it hurts.
But it doesn’t have to define you.
Maybe it’s time for a new perspective.
Having guided many women through infertility troubles, I can help you examine new choices with fresh insight.
Let’s move past your struggles together.
Adoption Consultations
A journey of the heart
You’re searching for answers; wherever you are on that journey, I’ll be here to support you.
Deciding whether an agency or an independent adoption is best?
Closed or open adoption?
Adoption only, or should you consider surrogacy?
Tough waters but you don’t have to navigate them alone. As your therapist, I’ll be here to get you safely through them by exploring all your options and finding the best one for you.
The search for knowledge is a brave one, and I’m so grateful to be a part of your journey.
Surrogacy Consultations
An extra heart.
Sometimes, it takes something more to create a life.
And it’s okay to be scared and unsure of how the journey will unfold.
What would you need to feel comfortable with a surrogate? How can you bond, nurture, and nest during the process? How do you know whom to choose? What are your options?
Let’s talk through it together.
Which choice works best for you?
There’s never going to be a perfect time to have a child, and no amount of preparation can make you feel fully ready.
But you don’t have to sort it out alone.
I offer free 15-minute phone consultations to get you started on the road to adoption or surrogacy.
Call me at (914) 713-5553, and let’s talk about it.